unity3d - Options to storing data in a prefab -

after realizing can't use unityevents in scriptable objects (they don't read global variable values correctly). had move solution store dialogs.

the best solution find store them in corresponding npc-prefab. convenient. leaves bad taste in mouth, feels wrong store data in prefab this. bad practice? example if refactor in dialogobject, lost.

since can't seem store unityevents anywhere (can't serialize them json , mentioned scriptable objects don't seem handle them well) feel solution if want able use editor create dialogs.

just checking here first, stupid? there way?

i trying save list of this:

[system.serializable] public class dialogobject {     public list<pagedata> conversations = new list<pagedata>();     public unityevent postevent; //invoked on last page of dialog } 

i yes, prefabs meant template create new items of type. trying save data states.

even though cannot serialize unityevent, serialize content.

if assign via inspector, can use https://docs.unity3d.com/scriptreference/events.unityeventbase.getpersistentmethodname.html

but not have problem of storage if know start goes.

second solution when assign method unityevent, store it.

void addlistener (unityaction ev) {      methodinfo mi = ev.method;      // use mi      postevent.addlistener(ev); } 

with mi reference, have name of method, type, object belongs , need.
