php - FOSUserBundle + LexixJWTAuthBundle login via email -

i have have jwt auth rest api. works fine when i'm trying token via pair email/password error: bad credentials. when use username/password ok. security.yml

security:     encoders:         fos\userbundle\model\userinterface: sha512      providers:         fos_userbundle:             id: fos_user.user_provider.username_email      firewalls:         dev:             pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/             security: false         api_doc:             pattern: ^/api/doc             anonymous: true             security: false          login:             pattern:  ^/login             stateless: true             anonymous: true             form_login:                 check_path:               /login                 username_parameter:       username                 password_parameter:       password                 provider:                 fos_userbundle                 success_handler:          lexik_jwt_authentication.handler.authentication_success                 failure_handler:          lexik_jwt_authentication.handler.authentication_failure                 require_previous_session: false          api:             pattern:   ^/api             stateless: true             guard:                 authenticators:                     - lexik_jwt_authentication.jwt_token_authenticator          password:             pattern:    ^/user/passwords             anonymous:  true             security:   false      access_control:         - { path: ^/user/passwords, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }         - { path: ^/api/doc,        roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }         - { path: ^/login,          roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }         - { path: ^/api,            roles: is_authenticated_fully } 


lexik_jwt_authentication:     private_key_path:     '%jwt_private_key_path%'     public_key_path:      '%jwt_public_key_path%'     pass_phrase:          '%jwt_key_pass_phrase%'     token_ttl:            '%jwt_token_ttl%'     user_identity_field:  email 

so answer add new user provider:

providers:         main_provider:             entity: { class: userbundle\entity\user, property: email } 

i don't know why default fos_userprovider didn't work. maybe setup in error.
