How Can Get CallbackData in current when InlineKeyboardCallbackButton clicked in telegram Bot in C# -

how can inlinekeyboardcallbackbutton clicked in telegram bot?

here code : i edited code

public async system.threading.tasks.task<actionresult> getmsgasync()      {      var req = request.inputstream;       var responsstring = new streamreader(req).readtoend();       var update = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<update>(responsstring);      var message = update.message;        var chat =;       inlinekeyboardmarkup categoryinlinemarkup = new        inlinekeyboardmarkup(          new inlinekeyboardbutton[][]                         {                         new inlinekeyboardbutton[]                             {                   new inlinekeyboardcallbackbutton("button1","callbackdata")                             }                         }                            );                  await api.sendtextmessageasync(, "please click button", replymarkup: categoryinlinemarkup);                  if (update.type ==                 {                     // codes run in block                 }                    if (update.type ==                 {                     // can't clicked button here                      if ("callbackdata"))                     {                         await api.answercallbackqueryasync(,;                     }                 }      } 

how can button clicked in webhook method, not in console program?

finally find out answer, problem line of code :

  var message = update.message;  

this line of code main problem because line not in try catch block , can't understand line problem .

after problem, have suggestion you
can debugging telegram bot in personal computer without uploading code on host, purpose can run 3 below steps ::

1- accessing iis express site remote computer

2- download ngrok

3- after download ngrok can forward telegram webhook requests personal computer .
