PowerPoint VBA - Code works in debug mode but fails to run in compile mode -

hello code woks on debug mode fails run in complie mode @ commandbars.executemso suggestions or appreciated.

sub copypasteasunion()       dim sld slide      dim shp shape       dim shapeone string      dim shapetwo string      dim oshpr shaperange        each sld in activepresentation.slides      activewindow.view.gotoslide sld.slideindex           each shp in sld.shapes            if shp.hastextframe = true                 if shp.textframe.hastext = true                       shapeone = shp.name                       shapetwo = shp.name & "_1"                       shp.duplicate                          .left = shp.left                          .top = shp.top                          .name = shapetwo                       end                             set oshpr = sld.shapes.range(array(shapeone, shapetwo))                             oshpr.select                             commandbars.executemso ("shapesunion")                     end if                 end if          next      next end sub 

powerpoint version i'm using : powerpoint 2016 (system : windows 7).

error while compiling:

run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)': method 'executemso' of objects '_commandbars' failed
