python - flask_whooshalchemy Import Error no module name flask_whooshalchemy -

i developing web application using python flask , virtualenv.

i have installed flask flask_whooshalchemy extension using pip enable full text search. have configured correctly.

when run application error

import error no module name flask_whooshalchemy.  

i run pip freeze check if installed , installed.

i went , installed here

[c:\python27\scripts>pip install flask_whooshalchemy] 

and works fine without errors.

i want know if there effect when app on production server , why?

c:\project\seepay\enve\scripts>pip freeze  alembic==0.9.5  babel==2.5.0  blinker==1.4  click==6.7  coverage==4.4.1  flask==0.12.2  flask-babel==0.11.2  flask-login==0.4.0  flask-mail==0.9.1  flask-migrate==2.1.1  flask-sqlalchemy==2.2  flask-uploads==0.2.1  flask-whooshalchemy==0.56  flask-wtf==0.14.2  flipflop==1.0  guess-language==0.2  itsdangerous==0.24  jinja2==2.9.6  mako==1.0.7  markupsafe==1.0  python-dateutil==2.6.1  python-editor==1.0.3  pytz==2017.2  six==1.10.0  sqlalchemy==1.1.13  werkzeug==0.12.2  whoosh==2.7.4  wtforms==2.1  
